jueves, 14 de agosto de 2008

Juan Diego Pérez: Differences between Acapulco and Barranquilla

Acapulco : is a city of mexico located in estate of Guerrero, is a of the principal places tourist of world.
In Acapulco there are beautiful beaches and many buildings(seventy five ).
The climate in Acapulco is very nice is sunny and with much windy but some days rainny,you in Acapulco can go to the diferents places of this city for example: isla de la roqueta,la quebrada,pie de la cuesta.
The tipical food of Acapulco is:camarones,pulpo en su tinta,ceviche etc and tipical drinks :tuba,tepache,chilate and waters prepared with fruit of this place.
Besides in Acapulco you can walk for the beach and look the sunrise (this is beautiful) also the people practice many sports: baseball,soccer, tennis.

Barranquilla: is the capital of deparment of atlantico(Colombia) is located in the north of country in the cost of caribe.
The climate in Barranquilla is sunny and aslo is dry, in Barranquilla there are many flats and some buildings,the flats of this place are small but very beautiful.
The principal event is “CARNAVAL DE BARRANQUILLA” is the party more big of Barranquilla and important of this place ,besides many people of diferents parts of world going to this event.
The tipical food of Barranquilla is :pescado,arroz con coco and eat of sea.
The people of Barranquilla is very nice you feel good,besides Barranquilla have the best beach of Colombia because is the more beautiful and you can do difents activities in this beach for example:you can play soccer and do castles of sand and much more activities.

1 comentario:

Cherozze dijo...

Please correct your mistakes using the writing code:
in estate of (MW)
places tourist (WO)
much windy (WF)
walk for(WPR)
party more big(The biggest party)
diferents parts (SP)
fish,rice with coconut and seafood
is the more beautiful (WW)
do castles (WV)